Self-Pour Do`s and Don`ts

Wondering how to open up a Successful self-pour taproom? You're in the right place!

We created a guide with do’s and don’ts when it comes to opening up a self-pour establishment. After helping over 500 locations bring their self-pour dream to life, we have seen it all. We gathered helpful information from operators who have been in your exact shoes and put it together for you! We hope you take their advice on what to do and what to avoid when opening your self-pour establishment. We can’t wait to see your self-pour venue flourish! 

Below we’ve included a few key points from the guide.

Examples of Self-Pour Do's

✅  Do have enough taps to get people excited (20-70+ taps).

✅  Do group the beverages by type and place labels above the taps (ex: Cocktails, IPAs, etc.).

Examples of Self-Pour Don'ts

❌  Don’t leave the tap wall unattended, have an ambassador.

❌  Don’t put a self-pour tap wall near a regular bar.

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If you have any questions about what you should or should not do when setting up your self-pour establishment, contact us at!