Boost efficiency and profitability case study

How to boost efficiency and profitability

Have you ever wondered how you can boost efficiency and profitability without needing extra staff? The answer is self-serve beverage technology! Self-pour technology allows customers to serve themselves, which increases efficiency because there is no wait time for drinks. With no wait times comes higher profits for operators since guests drink at the pace they please.

Malcolm Yards Market in Minneapolis, MN, takes advantage of the benefits self-pour brings. Malcolm Yards is home to a 32-tap self-pour beverage wall and a 48-tap traditional bar. When comparing the total revenue from their self-pour taps to their bar, they found some astonishing numbers.

In this case study, you will learn which setup (traditional or self-pour) brings in most of their total alcohol revenue, where most of their pours come from, and how much staff they need to operate each. We don’t want to spoil any more, so fill out the form below to read the full case study!

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Other Case Studies

Curious to learn more about the benefits of self-pour technology and how the PourMyBeer system helps other operators thrive? You can access more case studies here. 

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