Self-pour at Military Bases

Self-Serve Walls For Military

Servicemen and women from Hampton, Virginia, and St. Clair County in Illinois all the way to Okinawa in Japan can enjoy the freedom of choice, thanks to PourMyBeer’s commercial beer system installation. Our self-serve tap walls are currently in use on military bases across the United States and OCONUS as well.

These draft beer systems for military bases can be fixed installations, or smaller mobile systems that can fit into almost any space – with PourMyBeer you can make it into an innovative and attractive revenue stream.

Military bases all over the world are starting to see the value in offering self-pour beer, wine, cocktails, or even cold brew and kombucha to their servicemen. Whether it’s a mobile tap system for a navy base, or a fixed self serve-bar for an Air Force base it’s a guaranteed winner. Because of the ability to pour exactly as much as they want and pay by the ounce, service members love self-pour.

How it works:

  1. The servicemembers can use a payment method to open a tab or prepay for a PourMyBeer RFID card.
  2. Servicemembers can place their PourMyBeer card on the RFID card reader giving them access to a beverage wall and drinks of their choosing.
  3. They use the taps to pour exactly as much as they want, and the PMB tech will record and charge to the RFID card based on ounces poured.

It’s that simple!

Contact us to get more info or a free quote for your own self-pour system at your military base! Cheers