Reduce Staffing Issues Case Study

How to Eliminate Staffing Challenges

The world is slowly beginning to return to normalcy, and many states have allowed businesses in the hospitality industry to operate at full capacity. While most businesses want to open their doors at 100% capacity, many are unable to find staff as the industry faces an all-time high staffing crisis. 

That’s where the power of self-pour beverage technology comes into play. Self-pour allows operators to operate at full capacity and with a reduced staff since guests pour their drinks. Self-pour has helped hundreds of owners reduce labor costs and increase their overall operational efficiency. 

The Golden Mill, a 6,000 sq. ft. venue, knew they faced an extreme challenge. How would they quickly and efficiently serve 6,000 guests each weekend if they couldn’t find staff? To learn how The Golden Mill successfully overcame staffing issues in their establishment, download the case study below!    

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Interested to learn more about how this unique venue located in Golden, CO came to be? Check out the video below!

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Learn More About Self-Pour as a Possible Solution in the Post-COVID world.

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