High Sales with Little Staff Case Study

less staff, higher profits, and happier customers

Self-pour beverage technology presents many benefits that improve all aspects of operations. Self-pour helps establishments operate efficiently with less staff, optimize floor space, increase service efficiency, and maximize sales. 

Eric and Sam opened Bunnyman Brewing in Fairfax, Virginia, in July 2021 with PourMyBeer’s self-serve technology.Despite opening during a difficult time when it was hard to find and keep good staff, they have seen outstanding sales. They credit this success to their delicious brews (of course!) and their self-serve beverage wall. Their wall allows them to fit 150+ seats in their establishment and they only need a few staff to serve them! They weighed out the options between a traditional bar setup and a self-pour beverage wall, and they are very happy with their choice. Download the case study to see the smart business moves they made to see such high sales during month one!

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To learn more about Bunnyman Brewing and their experience with PourMyBeer self-serve technology, check out the video below.

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Curious to learn more about the benefits of self-pour technology and how the PourMyBeer system helps other operators thrive? You can access our many other case studies here