Are you looking for a way to make your office space unique and fun? And have it become a place where your employees work harder AND longer, not just because they feel like they have to, but because they WANT to?
A beer wall for your office is the easy answer. PourMyBeer’s self-pour technology dispenses wine, beer, cocktails, kombucha, or coffee and proves to be beneficial for both employees and employers. There are two ways to distribute beverages in office spaces. First, employees can pay themselves and put a certain amount on their RFID cards. Or second, your company can give employees credit towards their beverage purchases to start, and after they have used all their credit, employees will then pay for drinks themselves. Whichever method you decide to use, you will notice a positive difference in your office’s atmosphere. Self-serve technology brings self-pour fun to your office space and creates a great environment for your employees to destress and hang out.
One aspect of a company that makes it desirable to employees is their included perks. These can come in the form of insurance and healthcare benefits, paid vacation, and in some cases, a self-pour beverage station that dispenses employees’ favorite drinks!
One aspect of a company that makes it desirable to employees is their included perks. These can come in the form of insurance and healthcare benefits, paid vacation, and in some cases, a self-pour beverage station that dispenses employees’ favorite drinks!
Employees can now get their morning coffee right at the office. With the option to pour their cold brew or any other drinks right at the office, it will make it easier for them to focus on getting to work on time, rather than waiting in line for their morning brew at a coffee shop.
Another perk that self-serve beverage walls or self-pour stations bring to office spaces is the ability to have a happy hour in the office at the end of the week with a self-serve office bar. This gives employees a nice break and awards them for all their hard work during the week.
Self-pour coffee and office beer taps not only benefit the workers, but also the company owners and managers as it will motivate employees to do their best work.
Self-Pour Stations at Office Space called 1871 (Merchandise Mart, Chicago, IL)
Commercial taps for offices will bring forth both worker efficiency and a sense of community within the company. This station will bring employees together from different departments who may otherwise never interact with one another. This forges a happy and welcoming environment within the workplace, which is essential for the overall success of the company, as it makes workers feel part of a bigger and more inclusive community.
A self-pour station certainly brings benefits to employees, but it is important to note that it also brings benefits to the company. Aside from motivating employees to work harder, self-serve technology will also allow companies to generate more revenue. Employees, entry-level to upper-level managers, all pay per ounce for the beverages they want, whether it is coffee or beer. This revenue then goes back to the company as PourMyBeer is the only self-pour tech provider on the market that does not take a cut of the profits.
If you want to differentiate your company from others, a bar for your office is one way to stand out. Having a self-pour beverage wall where employees can help themselves will be sure to make an impression on candidates and future employees. They will appreciate the incentive and not only will it make them want to work at your company, but it will also make them excited to get to work. Additionally, word of mouth spreads about companies that treat their employees well, and it is always helpful for the business to be recognized in this light.
Allowing your employees to have the freedom to pour will make them want to work harder, and therefore increase productivity. Gone are the days of workers feeling drowsy and unproductive from not having their daily cup of joy because they were running late to work, or because the office coffee pot had run out. Employees can simply go up and grab their cold brew from the beverage wall and be all set until they need their next cup! It’s easier and more efficient than stopping for a coffee in the morning. Also, giving employees the option to enjoy a beer while at the office can entice them into staying and working longer hours, getting more tasks completed in the meantime.
If you have any questions about the benefits of self-pour technology and setting a wall up in your office space, you can contact us at or (312) 416-9989.
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