Why Choose Self-Pour Tech Over a Traditional Dispense Method?
It’s no secret that self-serve technology is rising in popularity. In fact, a study was conducted by Unlabel in 2019 suggesting that 88% of companies believe this will be the fastest-growing channel within the customer service industry by 2021. So, what does this mean when it comes to the beverage industry, and why should you consider it for your bar or restaurant over a traditional beverage dispense method?
Well, self-serve technology provides an alternative way to efficiently and effectively serve customers as costs for traditional bars rise. When operating a traditional bar, there are several factors to consider, such as labor costs, wastage, and more, that self-pour eliminates.
With self-pour beverage walls, bar and restaurant operators reduce labor costs, simplify operations, give customers a unique experience, and so much more! Not to mention, self-serve technology is providing a safe solution during the pandemic.
If you don’t believe us yet, we’ll break down all 16 reasons why you should choose self-pour tech over a traditional dispense method below.
Benefits for Operators

1. Increased Efficiency
With self-pour technology, customers are in full control of their entire drinking experience. No more standing in line at the bar, flagging down a busy bartender, and waiting for a drink to be made. Now, customers can approach the beverage wall whenever they need a refill or want to sample more beverages. No more empty glasses!
This benefits you as an operator because customers receive their drinks faster than at a traditional bar, leading to an increase in beverage sales. And since customers don’t have to wait in line, they’ll leave with smiles on their faces!
2. Reduced Labor Costs
Since customers become the bartender, less staff is required. With less staff needed and lower-wage expenditures, you’ll save big! Not to mention, there are fewer staffing challenges when utilizing self-pour technology, leaving you with fewer headaches! It’s also no secret that great bartenders are hard to find, particularly now, with the hospitality industry being so heavily affected by the pandemic. Skillful bartenders are switching carriers due to unstable situations caused by government restrictions and regulations.
"We are experiencing the same challenges hiring staff the rest of our industry is experiencing in this labor shortage. Fortunately, we use a PourMyBeer self-tap alcohol delivery system. This allows us to serve more guests per employee than a traditional full-service restaurant. Our servers have the capacity to serve a significantly increased number of guests. This is due to the fact that guests “self-serve” all of their beverages freeing the servers to focus on taking food orders and giving great customer service."
Jim Wright - Operates 4 PourMyBeer Venues: Stanley Beer Hall, The Golden Mill, Malcolm Yards, and Broadway Market
3. Increased Sustainability: Reduced Waste
Since all beverages are kegged in a self-pour establishment, no more bottles are needed. Not only does this make it significantly easier to manage your inventory as there aren’t hundreds of bottles to keep track of, but you also reduce your carbon footprint. Talk about a win-win!
4. No Free Samples. No Over-Pours = Increased Profits
At a traditional bar, bartenders can easily give away free samples and pour with a heavy hand. In worse scenarios, they don’t ring up orders in the POS systems, or a very common trick in the industry is to only run up a partial order. This leads to lost profits for you.
With self-serve technology, every ounce is tracked and accounted for, meaning nothing is given away for free, and no tabs are left unpaid. Since self-pour tech charges for each ounce poured, customers are less likely to waste what they pour as every ounce is covered from their own pocket.
5. Consistent Quality
Although the sustainability kegs provide is a big benefit, it’s not the only benefit. When storing beverages in vacuum-sealed kegs, the drinks stay fresher for longer, and have the same great taste on day 60 as on day 1. This is a particularly important benefit for kegged wine, as bottled wine spoils in a matter of days.
6. Increase in Beverage Sales
Since you can serve customers more efficiently than at a traditional bar, and as covered above, you know exactly what’s happening with your inventory, you’ll see a noticeable increase in beverage sales. One of the most noticeable benefits of increased sales is that customers never have to sit around with an empty glass and can pour at any time.
7. Unique Differentiator - Fresh, Innovative Concept
Not only does self-pour increase your efficiency and speed of service, but it also enhances your brand and creates awareness around your establishment. Self-pour technology gives your business something to market on social media and your website. You’ll stand out from other establishments in the area and give customers a reason to come through your doors and continue coming back!
Benefits for Customers
8. Unique Customer Experience
The self-pour experience is truly unique and like nothing else! Many customers travel to a location just to use the self-pour tech. The experience brings customers together and creates a sense of community. It’s an interactive and engaging experience. And, patrons love to post about it online, bragging about being their own bartenders! Thanks to this unique differentiator, you’ll gain exposure on social media and bring more awareness to your establishment.
9. Variety of Beverages
Customers love the variety and number of options they have when using self-pour tech. Our self-serve technology is liquid agnostic, so we like to say – if it can be kegged, we can pour it! This includes the classics like beer, wine, and cocktails but also less traditional beverages like cold brew, kombucha, sake, even olive oil, and soy sauce!
Check out these videos to see everything that can be poured from self-pour taps.
10. Ability to Sample by the Ounce
One of the biggest benefits for consumers is the ability to sample by the ounce. Customers can pour as much or as little as they want, allowing them to taste many different beverages before pouring a full glass of their favorite. Say goodbye to spending $10-$15 on a drink that you don’t enjoy! This is particularly true with cocktails, which are turning out to be a very popular option on self-pour taps. Several PourMyBeer operators report that their best-sellers are cocktails on tap, so they are definitely gaining popularity.
11. No More Waiting in Lines
Self-pour beverage walls are easily installed into walls, so you’ll have more space within your establishment for customers to move around. Customers can approach the wall whenever suits them and avoid waiting in crowded areas, which is crucial during the pandemic.
Safety Benefits
Self-serve beverage walls provide a safe solution during the pandemic through reduced touchpoints, simplified operations, the ability to maintain social distancing, and more. Self-pour allows customers to safely enjoy their drinking experience while having fun too!
12. Reduced Touchpoints & Close Social Interactions
Now that customers are in complete control of their drinking experience with self-pour, interactions between staff and customers are minimal. Fewer touchpoints = lower spread of infection.
At a traditional bar, there are around 6-8 touchpoints from when the guests check-in to when they sign the bill. With a self-pour beverage wall, there are only 1-2 touchpoints – checking-in and checking-out (and that can be eliminated if the establishment is using some of our top POS integrations).
13. Simplified Operations
Less staff needed leads to simplified operations for you as the operator. You’ll save time and money since your labor costs are significantly lower than with a traditional bar.
14. Optimize Guest Capacity & Space
With self-pour beer walls, you can increase the usable space within your establishment by 10% or more, as there is no need for a bulky bar. This is especially beneficial during the pandemic when all tables must be six feet apart. Customers can follow social distancing protocols and you can able to optimize the number of guests in your establishment.
15. Maximize Customer Flow
Since customers no longer have to wait for a bartender to make their drinks, you can serve more customers even with reduced capacity guidelines in place. With the ability to serve more guests, you’ll increase your overall beverage sales, which is crucial during these stressful times.
16. Easy Clean
Traditional bars are bulky and have a lot of moving parts. There is a TON of surface area to clean and a ton of materials that need to be sanitized, such as mixing spoons, shaker bottles, and knives. With a self-pour wall, there are only two parts being touched: the handle and the screen. That’s often eliminated by the use of tapkins, gloves, or napkins. As a result, you have an easier time keeping your customers safe because there are fewer opportunities for guests to encounter an unsanitized surface.
If you have any questions on how or where to get started with self-pour, you can reach us at cheers@pourmybeer.com or (312) 416-9989.