Self-pour wine tap systems allow your guests to taste any wine you have available in-house without any risk of profit loss on your end. Commercial-grade self-pouring taps put the ability in the hands of the customers rather than the staff, thereby mitigating the effects of human error — including over-pours, spilled glasses, and broken bottles.
Self-serve wine bars have greatly improved upon traditional wine-pouring formats by putting the control in your customers’ hands and increasing the profit in yours.
How Do Commercial Wine-Pouring Systems Work?
Although self-pour dispensing machines are a novel concept, commercial wine-pouring systems have been around for years. Instead of serving wine from bottles, the beverage is stored and served in kegs, similar to beers on tap. Serving wine on tap is not a new concept, but its popularity is just beginning to pick up as a younger demographic enters the wine-drinking scene.
Commercial wine-pouring systems operate very similarly to beer tap systems. Wines are made with the same love and passion you’d expect from any fine vineyard. However, after the barreling stage, wines are put into stainless-steel kegs instead of corked. These kegs generally hold about 26 bottles — or 120 glasses — of wine. The tap system includes kegs, a coupler, tubing, shanks, and faucets that are almost identical to beer tap systems.
A wine dispenser automates pouring and regulates the temperature of the wine for consistent pours. Each wine has distinct aromas and characteristics that require you to serve them at a specific temperature. Controlling the temperature ensures that customers can enjoy the wine at its best.
White wines have fewer tannins, so serving them at lower temperatures is best. Rose is similar to white wine but has a few more tannins, so you can serve it at a slightly higher temperature. Red wine is best served closer to room temperature because of its high tannin content and low acidity. A wine dispenser ensures that you get each wine’s serving temperature right.
So how does it work? When the wine is tapped, either argon or nitrogen pushes the wine from the keg into the glass, blanketing the beverage and preventing oxidization, which degrades the flavor and aroma of the wine. Argon and nitrogen are inert gases, meaning they are odorless and colorless, so they don’t affect the wine. Which gas you choose is based on preference — some winemakers prefer argon because it is a heavier and more efficient gas.
As customers pour wine, the nitrogen or argon is pumped into the keg, replacing the oxygen and filling up the space. Once the gas is in the keg, it pressurizes and works to keep the oxygen out. Every time someone pours wine, more bottle pumps into the keg.
Why Choose a Self-Serve Wine Machine?
A glass of wine is an ideal complement to a nice meal. However, for many diners, the pomp and circumstance that goes with choosing a bottle can be a little intimidating — not to mention expensive. Committing to a bottle or even a glass of wine can be difficult — especially when your customers want to try new flavors.

The beauty of the commercial wine dispenser is that they’re free to pour and taste an ounce of every wine available before they make their decision, ensuring the wine they choose is one they’ll love. However, PourMyBeer wine dispensing systems aren’t just good for your guests. They’re also active profit-generating tools that will quickly deliver a return on your investment. Let’s look at how they do this.
Less Waste
The biggest waste of money coming from your bar is actually due to the increasingly prevalent problem of the over-pour. Wine dispenser machines eliminate this waste, lowering your costs by as much as 23%.
Many patrons also prefer to drink wine by the glass. Wine only lasts a few days after it’s opened, after which restaurants or bars have to throw it away. A wine dispenser can extend the life of your wine for up to about 30 days or more, helping you produce less waste.
Less Mess
Bottle service can be messy. Sometimes, the cork gets stuck or cracks. Sometimes, a bottle drops. Sometimes, wine splashes right out of the glass while a server pours it. These scenarios cost the company more money and reduce its overall profit margins.
Wine Preservation
Many restaurants that serve wine by the glass keep bottles open for hours or even days, increasing the threat of oxidation. When oxygen hits the wine, it deteriorates the wine and changes its flavor. Kegs eliminate this concern. The gas that pushes the wine through the tap lines protects the beverage from oxidation by occupying space in the keg. Taking the bottle out of the equation also eliminates concerns like bottle shock or faulty corks.
Consistent Pouring
Getting just the right amount of wine in the glass every single time so your margins stay consistent is nearly impossible, which is why you likely already account in your budget for slight over-pours by your bartenders and servers.
With the PourMyBeer wine tap system, this problem vanishes entirely. The machine will always count the exact number of ounces, and every drop of wine poured by your customers is tracked and charged directly to them. By ensuring that each glass is consistent, you can gain a better return on investment on each bottle.
Why Try a Self-Pour Wine Bar?
Several benefits come with a self-pour wine system. Adding one to your establishment can improve your efficiency and increase your profits.
Customer Convenience
Even avid wine drinkers are occasionally stumped by the question, “Which wine would you like tonight?” Thanks to the PourMyBeer wine tap dispenser, you can solve this problem. When you install our system, you give your customers the freedom to taste test any of your available wines before they commit to a full glass.
They’re free to peruse the wine bar as soon — and as often — as they like. This means they won’t have to wait for a refill from their bartender or server, and they can also decide on a wine after first tasting it.
This added bonus for your customers can translate to profits for you, as it may increase the amount of wine you sell. Without having to wait for their servers to refill their glasses, customers may be more inclined to indulge in a second or third glass.
Saved Time
Although bottle service has been the modus operandi up until now, it definitely has some drawbacks. Namely, it’s time-consuming for your staff. The more time they spend helping your customers pick the right wine, presenting it to the table, opening it and pouring each person’s first glass, the less time they have available to assist the rest of your customers.
Every customer is different — some will decide they want more wine before their glass is half-finished, others as they’re taking the last sip, and others still won’t decide until 10 minutes after they’ve finished their glass. If servers don’t have the time to check back in with a customer at the right moment to see if they’d like another glass of wine, they may lose out on an additional sale.
Most people might decide against a second or third glass if they have to wait. Eliminating the amount of time a customer has to wait between deciding they’d like more wine and actually receiving that wine is the easiest way to increase your wine sales.
Saved Money
Say goodbye to losing money based on a customer’s dissatisfaction with their wine or heavy-handed pours. Thanks to our commercial wine dispenser, your customers can taste any wine they like before pouring a glass. They’re guaranteed to end up with one they love, and since the machines utilize RFID cards to monitor every drop poured, you’ll enjoy the added benefit of knowing that no matter how much they pour, you’ll get paid for every last drop. Plus, servers spend less time uncorking wine bottles, making them more productive and lowering your staffing costs overall.
Enhanced Security
Sometimes, overpouring is intentional, which can impact your business and profits. Wine bottles that are left out in the open on a bar are also more susceptible to theft. A commercial wine dispenser makes it easier to protect your investment, especially if you have less staff to keep an eye on things. It offers a secure way to ensure that you can still offer patrons a great selection of wine with fewer servers.
Added Variety
Wine drinkers enjoy variety. One of the downsides of serving wine by the glass is that premium wines are rarely an option. Perhaps a customer comes in on their own, but they would still like a glass of their favorite premium wine.
A self-pour system can help you solve this problem. Because this dispenser extends the life of the wine, it allows you to extend your offerings. You can offer patrons a mix of wines, including some premium options. Some customers may even try a premium wine they wouldn’t usually purchase by the bottle, thereby boosting your profits.
Unique Experiences
With a wine dispensing system, your guests can enjoy wine by the glass, giving them the chance to try new things without feeling embarrassed that they don’t know much about the bottles. The process is easy and encourages people to step outside their comfort zone in a fun way.
Your customers are sure to be attracted to the novelty and convenience of pouring their own wine, making your establishment more memorable and more likely to attract repeat business.
Increased Wine Sales
Investing in a self-serve wine dispenser can give you a huge boost in profits. Your customers will also love the unique experience and freedom to try different wine varieties.
How Does a Self-Pour Wine Dispenser Work?
A self-pour wine is secure and user-friendly for customers. All you need to do is follow these simple steps to get started.
STEP 1: Issue an RFID Card to Customers
When patrons visit your establishment, your staff checks their ID to ensure they are of legal drinking age. Your servers can then link an RFID card to their credit card, which allows them to activate the self-pour taps and enjoy a selection of flavorful wine. Patrons can either pre-load money onto their card or use it as a traditional bar tab.
STEP 2: Dispense Wine
Once your customer has their pour card, they are free to explore your wine dispenser machine. To dispense wine, all a customer has to do is tap the card to the reader and pour their glass. They can taste any wine they’d like or a variety of vintages.
As they taste to their heart’s desire, their RFID card will keep track of every drop of wine they pour so that they’ve paid for all their wine and your sheets are perfectly balanced at the end of the night.
Each time they pour, the system reminds them how much they’ve spent and alerts them when funds are running low. This encourages more responsible consumption. In addition, your machine will only let a customer consume up to two glasses of wine within an hour.
STEP 3: Close the Tab
At the end of the night, customers can simply return their RFID card and either close out their bar tab or collect their receipts.
Learn More About the PourMyBeer Self-Pour System
The PourMyBeer wine dispenser machine is ready to increase your profit margins and satisfy your customers. And let’s be honest, whether you’re running a wine bar, a full-menu restaurant, a special events venue or any other hangout that sells alcohol, happy customers and increasing profits are all you need for success!
With a self-pour wine wall, guests can enjoy a full pour of their favorite vintage. They’ll also enjoy the convenience of serving themselves while your staff attends to their other needs. We see it as the ultimate win-win in alcohol consumption!
Want to learn more about the future of wine and wonder how much your own self-pour wine system would cost? Request a quote from us today!