Some of these locations might give you just the ideas you need to start your self-pour project! We can’t stress it enough how much there is to learn from others around you, and we would strongly recommend you to visit at least 5 PourMyBeer locations on-site to see things up close and in action. However, we wanted to bring you lots of possible sources of insight, and give you an idea of what works and what does not for the many types of self-pour establishments. You may even get an idea about where you should focus your marketing efforts and perhaps some inspiration for your business’s positioning.
To help you learn more about the best “do’s” and “don’ts” of self-pour, we have carefully selected 25 for you to visit online, so you can find some inspiration.
We have broken the establishments into 3 categories by type; restaurants and bars, breweries and taprooms, and entertainment venues, for your convivence. Start exploring each category to get some great advice from experienced operators!
Whether you are starting a bar, brewery, taproom, or restaurant, each of these PourMyBeer locations can give you some great ideas!
The ideal goal of restaurants and bars is to increase foot traffic and maximize customer flow. Our restaurant and bar operators have seen both of these. Learn their tricks to getting customers through the door and how their self-pour beverage wall has enabled them to serve customers more efficiently. They each have a unique story and unique offerings, so make sure you take a look through each one to get some good inspo.
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Who goes to a brewery or taproom without the intention of trying a ton of samples? Since breweries and taprooms are known for giving out free samples and taste-testings, self-pour will allow them to experiment with all of your options, but your establishment will still be making money. Self-pour technology will decrease waste, as they are paying for each of those samples by the ounce. Your customers will love that they can now try as many as they want without being a pain for repeatedly asking for samples and, your brewery or taproom will see increased beverage revenue because of your awesome addition.
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Add even more fun to your entertainment venue with self-pour! Our entertainment venue operators have some good tips to get you started. We have seen self pour brought into car racing, axe throwing, and arcade settings, but that is only the beginning. See how self-pour these venues saw increased speed of service, higher customer satisfaction, and increased revenue because of their self-serve beverage wall differentiator.
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your business can thrive with PourMyBeer's self-pour technology!
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