Whether you own a bar, restaurant, taproom, entertainment venue, any other awesome venue, or are just in the planning phase of opening up an establishment, PourMyBeer’s self-pour technology can sure add a unique differentiator. The self-pour revolution is growing and will add a modern touch to your establishment that will increase foot traffic, drive up sales, reduce waste, and make your operations overall more efficient.
With over 500 locations around the world and 12,000+ taps in service, we have seen it all! Our operators, despite what the venue type may be, see countless benefits. From breweries and coffee shops all the way to grocery stores, our operators see increased profits, higher efficiency, less waste, decreased labor costs, and increased usable space. Not to mention, each unique venue type has its own set of benefits that come along with having a self-pour beverage wall!
Having a reliable system that can fit into any establishment is key, and at PourMyBeer, we pride ourselves on being the most reliable and versatile system on the market. Explore these different venue types to see how PourMyBeer fits into each perfectly. Self-pour technology is truly for everyone!
If you have not decided on an establishment type yet, you can get some inspiration from our PourMyBeer family members and see how they have seen success while using our awesome self-pour technology! If you do already have an establishment, you can get some inspiration from them.
When going to barcades, customers are looking to have fun playing games with their friends and/or family. They don’t want the fun to stop because they have to wait in line for a drink at the bar. With the addition of PourMyBeer’s revolutionary technology, your customers can quickly pour another drink without waiting in line and get back to the fun!
Customers coming to your barcade want to have a fun and enjoyable experience playing games, so why not add another element of fun to the experience? Adding a self-pour beverage wall to your barcade will create another “fun game” for customers as they can become their own bartenders! They can sample to their heart’s content, mix and match different drinks on the wall, and more! You’ll create an experience that your customers won’t forget, and they’ll spread the word to others about the amazing time they had at your barcade.
With customers acting as their own bartender, they can approach the wall when they need a refill. Meaning, your staff can focus their attention and efforts elsewhere, enhancing the overall customer experience. Now, you’ll have the most efficient barcade in town and your customers will want to come back for more fun!
Employees spend 40+ hours a week in the office, so why not make it an enjoyable place to be? You want your employees to be productive but also enjoy spending time with their co-workers. Implementing a self-pour wall could turn your office into the coolest place to work in town! P.S. Word of mouth spreads like wildfire when you treat your employees well!
Also, the revenue made from the self-pour wall can be put right back into the company because PourMyBeer doesn’t take a cut of the profits unlike other providers on the market. Your employees will be more willing to put their money back into something they are passionate about rather than a random coffee shop.
It is no secret that coffee is an energizer that can wake people up in the morning or get them through their mid-day slump. What better way to increase productivity in the office than to add a self-serve cold-brew station? Employees will love that they don’t have to stop and pick up a coffee on their way to work, and they will be able to grab as many as they want throughout the day to stay focused and productive. Employee productivity is key to business success, and the more caffeine they have, the better!
Friday afternoon cocktail hour, but in the office. Who would have thought? Having a self-pour beverage wall in the office with beer, wine, and cocktails will create a sense of community and is great for team bonding. The beverage wall will bring employees from different departments together, creating a more inclusive environment for everyone.
Not only will it bring people together, but it is a more convenient way to spend time with co-workers. No need for reservations with multiple tables. Now everyone can mingle in one place, hassle-free!
Self-pour is perfect for entertainment venues. It adds another element of fun to the establishment and optimizes guest playtime. You will keep guests around longer, and they will be running back through your doors for more!
The speed of service with self-pour is unmatched. While your guests are busy playing, they will get thirsty, but they don’t want to miss out on the fun. With self-serve technology, if guests have 2 seconds to spare in between the gaming, they can grab a drink and be ready to go back and play within seconds!
Self-pour will bring in higher profits to your entertainment venue and leave your customers very satisfied with their experience. Customers will love that they can pour drinks themselves and have a beverage at the tip of their fingers whenever it is most convenient for them. They will be happy to avoid long lines and approach the wall as often as they wish. With increased satisfaction comes an increase in traffic and higher profits. Your guests will post about their unique experiences and get others excited to go check it out. You can get creative with your marketing strategy. Create contests, giveaways, or host events in your venue, because as you know, your main goal is to provide some fun for your customers!
We all remember how fun it was as kids to go out to arcades, go bowling, or even going to the dog park, but we’re going to let you in on a little secret… It’s even more fun when there’s a self-pour wall involved! Turn the old arcade into a bar-cade. You get booze and games all in one, it’s the best of both worlds! Not only will your customers love playing your games, but the freedom to go back and forth from the beverage wall will enhance their experience and keep them coming back time and time again. Another great idea is creating a bar that doubles as a dog park. Fresh Drinks. Outdoor Venue. Dogs. How could you go wrong there?
A food hall with a self-pour beverage wall, how could that get any better for operators and customers? A food hall is built around the self-pour model. Guests order, pick up and pay for their food all by themselves. There is no server needed to get the food from the vendor to the table. So, why not make the WHOLE experience self-serve? Guests love that there is no wait time and operators love the efficiency and profits it brings in.
When the customer becomes their own bartender, your staffing needs for bartenders reduce significantly, and with it, your wage expenditure. In a food hall, you are also saving money by outsourcing food vendors. This eliminates the need to pay for kitchen staff. Decreasing costs on things that can be eliminated will help to increase overall profits. Our food hall family members are seeing high profits thanks to their full self-serve model.
Customers are in control of their drink and food needs, so they are served with maximal efficiency; no one needs to be left waiting. Especially now, when customers would prefer to take matters into their own hands as opposed to waiting in line, this model is perfect.
Self-pour and self-serve is a surprisingly social and interactive experience. The atmosphere in a food hall is very community-like. Guests love to chat about their favorite food vendor and help each other pour the perfect beer from the self-pour tap wall.
Casinos can get crazy busy during peak times. Guests are in it to win it and are very focused on games like Poker, Blackjack, and slot machines. Don’t make them stand in line and wait for a drink. They’ll become unhappy that they’re missing out on playing time, so add a self-pour wall to differentiate your casino from others.
Who wants to miss out on gaming time to wait for a drink? We will answer that for you… no one! Not only will it make guests unhappy, but it will lose your casino money. A self-pour wall will be a win-win (literally) for everyone! You will see increased profits because more guests can pour simultaneously and can go up as frequently as they want. Typically, guests drink faster than they are served (especially in this environment), so keep the drinks flowing and let them drink at their own pace with self-pour. It will make both you and your guests happier.
Self-pour will be more cost-efficient for customers who are already spending lots of money on gaming. Guests have full control over how much they pour, and as a result, how much they will pay. Patrons won’t have to commit to an entire glass, hate it, then leave it, so there is much less waste that comes along with self-pour. They can pour a sample and only lose a few cents instead of a few dollars that they could put towards gaming.
This is where it all began. Our Founder and CEO, Josh Goodman, was tired of waiting at a packed bar when the idea hit him. A self-serve beverage wall… no more lines, no more wait, no more customers sitting around with an empty glass! And what a great idea it was because self-pour is revolutionizing the modern bar scene.
For restaurants and bars, a successful profit margin can be as low as 5%. Low-profit margins mean it is even more important to keep managing costs low. The bulk of restaurant and bar costs come from labor, and self-pour tech can greatly reduce those high numbers! Self-serve technology can decrease labor by 20% or more. Establishments with a self-serve beverage wall can efficiently operate with less staff. Not only will it reduce labor costs, but it will also free up the staff that you do have scheduled to focus on the customer service aspect of dining out at a restaurant. Another major loss of revenue is waste costs.
With self-pour, every ounce a customer pours is accounted for, so there will be no profit loss due to inconsistent pours or free samples handed out so someone could taste your new drink offerings.
While self-pour technology is great for you as an operator, it’s also a more convenient, consistent, and a fun way for customers to pour! The convenience for customers is unbeatable. They will become their own bartenders and never have to wait for a drink. They have complete control over how much they pour, leaving how much they pay in their hands. Guests can sample, so they won’t be spending money on a beverage they don’t like ever again, and when they find that perfect beverage, they know every time they pour, it will have a consistent taste!
Untappd is the world’s largest platform for beer drinkers with 2,606,064 beers in the database. It is the largest beer database in existence, with over 9,300,000 users. Users on the app connect with other beer lovers to find trending beers, information on beers or track down a location with their favorite brew. In this database, you can search and find practically any beer imaginable.
Our self-pour technology and screens, combined with Untappd’s product database, yield a service model guaranteed to make your beverage sales skyrocket. Over 200 of our PourMyBeer locations utilize our integration with Untappd for Business, so we know that it’s a powerful tool for boosting any venue’s beverage sales. With that said, even if your venue does not include self-pour, Untappd is still a great tool for increasing your foot traffic, thus boosting your beverage sales.
When guests walk into a taproom or brewery, they are looking for a cold and fresh beverage. They want to walk into a brewery/taproom and know that they’re going to get a consistent taste and high-quality drink. People go to breweries and taprooms to test out local and regional beers, so you should have many options to sample. With lots of options comes a lot of questions, so staff should know about your offerings.
So… what is the perfect addition to your taproom or brewery to satisfy all these needs? Self-pour beer wall
Eric, co-owner of Bunnyman Brewing, implemented a self-pour beverage wall to maximize the space in their brewery. Their self-pour setup allows them to operate efficiently without the need for excess staff. They find that having a self-pour wall increases social interactions with guests, and helps to provide a more personalized and unique experience.
To begin, the beer will always be cold, and there will be no foam thanks to our A/C powered system. Because our system runs off A/C power, you can place the valves and flowmeters up to 50 feet away from each other. This allows for optimal design flexibility, and most importantly, little to no foam! The taste and quality of your beverages on tap will be consistent each time it is poured.
Now, for your offerings. The opportunities here are endless. Increase the size of your beer wall to fit all the drinks you want to be displayed. The more taps, the happier guests will be when sampling off your wall. Customers love going to breweries and taprooms to test out beers and order flights. With self-pour beer wall, guests can make their own flights and sample as much or as little as they’d like. Sampling will most likely have your customers spending more money because they will want to test out all your options. Once they finally land on their favorite, then they can pour a full glass of it.
To ensure your guests know all the facts about the beers they are pouring, you can utilize our integration with Untappd. Untappd is the largest beer database in existence. Users can search for any beer they can imagine and see other users’ reviews and ratings on it. They can also create their own profile and join in on the Untappd fun – a beer-drinking community just like your taproom or brewery! Untappd will take some of the stress off your staff because guests will have fun doing the research and gaining knowledge on Untappd.
Servicemen and women need to enjoy some relaxing time too. Our self-serve tap walls are currently in use on military bases across the United States and OCONUS. Our systems can fit into any location and be a great stream of revenue that your servicemen/woman will find very attractive.
Having a self-pour wall on base will allow you to keep some control over the service members. It encourages them to stay on base and drink responsibly. PourMyBeer’s technology comes with a two-drink limit, and the RFID card will have to be reactivated once that limit is reached. This means that there is complete control over how much is consumed at a given time.
We all know that the members of our military work incredibly hard and deserve to be able to relax when they are on base. Whether they are getting off a long day of training or they just returned to base, a self-pour wall is a great attraction. You can have either a fixed installation, somewhere like a dining hall, or mobile units that can move around the base. Mobile units are smaller and have fewer taps, but are great options if you are looking for versatility.
Grocery shopping is a dreaded task for many people, so why not make it fun? Let customers unwind by sipping while shopping. You can also have a little bistro area where guests can sit and really enjoy their beverage if they wish!
Having a self-pour wall in your establishment is truly a time saver for guests. They can grab a coffee, get their groceries, and pick up a growler to go all in the same place. They no longer have to stop at the coffee shop first and hit the liquor store on their way home. They will love the convenience that comes with a self-pour wall in your grocery store and make it their go-to shop because they can get all their errands done at once.
Having olive oil, vinegar, kombucha, and coffee on your self-pour wall will allow customers to buy in bulk. They can sample, and once they find what they want, they can pour as much as they want by the ounce. We know the selection of olive oils and coffee brands can be overwhelming, so let your customers take the easy route and sample a few before purchasing to ensure they like it.
Self-pour quickly becomes another stream of revenue for your grocery store. It is a unique differentiator that attracts a ton of people, so your foot traffic increases. We have found beverage sales tend to increase by 45% when a self-pour wall is installed, and who wouldn’t want that?
It’s not a secret that pizza and beer are a match made in heaven! There’s no better way to enjoy a slice than with a cold, crisp brewski on the side. With self-pour technology, pizza lovers waiting for their favorite pie to arrive can sample any beverage by the ounce without realizing they’re waiting for their food.
Make your establishment stand out among the rest. A self-pour beverage wall is the perfect addition to any pizzeria, as everyone knows pizza pairs best with a glass of cold, refreshing beer. Keep your customers talking with this innovative feature. Give them a reason to come back time after time. They’ll bring their friends and family along to show off this technology and share in the enjoyment of self-pour fun!
Self-pour technology allows your restaurant staff to focus on increasing efficiency. And, self-pour provides diners with complete freedom over their drinking experience. Guests can say goodbye to the days of flagging down their servers and waiting for their drinks to arrive. With this freedom, waiters and waitresses can serve food more efficiently and quickly to guests. They will not get distracted by repetitive drink orders, or worse, giving out free samples from the owner’s pocket.
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